Chances are you or someone you know has experienced low back pain and asked, "Could it be sciatica?" I'm not sure how the term ended up in the vocabulary of so many people, but they seem to consider it a major problem with severe consequences. Let's hash it out.
Origin & Pathway of the Sciatic Nerve
Sciatica isn't really a diagnosis, but rather a term we use to describe the symptoms of an irritated or damaged sciatic nerve. The thickest nerve in the body, it is formed by the union of several levels of nerve roots that exit the spine in the lower back (L4-S3/4). As it travels down the back of the leg, the sciatic nerve branches out, as shown in this image.
Explanation of Symptoms
The sciatic nerve contains two types of nerve fibers. Sensory fibers carry sensation input to your brain, and motor fibers tell your muscles to move, therefore symptoms can include pain & tingling (sensory), weakness (motor), or both. Symptoms may be felt in the low back or in one or more of the colored areas depending on which fibers are affected.
What Causes Sciatica?
By definition, sciatica symptoms result from trouble with the sciatic nerve itself, so the cause of the symptoms is found in the low back, pelvis, or buttock area, before the nerve starts branching.
Common causes include:
bony degeneration
muscles that are too weak or too tight
misalignment or unusual motion in joints of the spine or pelvis
bulging or herniated spinal discs
Less common but more serious causes include tumor, cancer, hematoma, and spinal infection. Your healthcare professional will evaluate you to rule out issues like these before recommending any treatment.
Whether mild or severe, sciatica symptoms are treatable!
Treatment options
Home treatments
These may include ice & heat, gentle stretching, not sitting or standing for long periods, and protective biomechanics such as good lifting techniques and healthy posture.
Chiropractic care
This is extremely effective, because the typical chiropractic treatment addresses each of the common causes of sciatica.
Bony degeneration cannot be undone, but smooth, fluid motion of the joints reduces its discomfort and its impact on nearby tissues, including nerves. Want to prevent future problems? Wellness care helps maintain healthy, well-contoured joint surfaces and prevent degeneration.
Muscles may become too tight or weak due to faulty position and movement of the bones to which they connect. Your chiropractic treatment plan should include recommendations to stretch and strengthen muscles in between appointments, providing care from the inside as well as the outside.
The most basic goal of chiropractic care is to help improve the position and movement of a joint; the result is less pain and better function, physically and neurologically.
Bulging or herniated discs can become better hydrated, achieve a more normal shape, and tolerate daily activities better with chiropractic treatment.
Based on its effectiveness and low risk of complications, conservative care, such as chiropractic and physical therapy, should be considered as the first intervention rather than an alternative, last resort.
When conservative care doesn't get the desired results, next steps may include medication or surgery as recommended by your medical doctor.
Up to 40% of people will experience sciatica during their lifetime, but the prognosis is excellent; even without treatment, most cases resolve in about 4-6 weeks. There is no need to suffer for months with pain, tingling, numbness, and weakness when home exercises and conservative care from a professional can help. Though complications are rare, untreated sciatic symptoms can become more severe and may even become permanent.
Now that you're better equipped to understand the causes, symptoms, and treatment options, you can help yourself and your loved ones prevent and resolve sciatica.
For professional help, contact Dr. Amy Crowe for mobile chiropractic care on the Missouri side of the Kansas City metro.
📲 816-405-2532
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